Chair of Electromagnetic Theory

3D FEM Field Simulations of Complex Electrical Power Transmission Systems

Project members
M.Sc. Hanyu Ye
Dipl.-Ing. von Freyberg (Geltech GmbH)
Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Eisenschmidt (Geltech GmbH)

Project duration

electrical power transmission, numerical field simulation of complex technical systems

Geltech GmbH, Farnstädt

Project description

The projects carried out under the title "3D FEM field calculations of complex electrical power transmission systems" include the detailed modeling and computer-aided simulation of electrostatic or electro-quasi-static field distributions on system components involved in electrical power transmission technology. Within this research project, finite elements simulations are used to solve the underlying the three-dimensional elliptic boundary value problem. For this purpose, the simulation tool MEQSICO (Magneto-/Electro-Quasistatic Simulation Code) developed at the chair is used with higher-order FEM basis functions. The often highly complex three-dimensional geometric details of the systems require a suitable modeling approach for generating discrete computational models. The algebraic systems of equations resulting from these FEM discretizations are efficiently computed using modern mathematical methods of numerical linear algebra on high-performance workstations. Extensive convergence studies were performed in each case to verify the robustness of the achieved field calculation results.

Project-related publications