Chair of Electromagnetic Theory

MILAS - Modulare intelligente induktive Ladesysteme für autonome Shuttles

Project manager
Prof. Dr. Markus Clemens
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Schmuelling

Project member
Dr. Norman Haussmann
Steven Stroka, M.Sc.

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Technische Universität München
Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH
Stadt Bad Staffelstein

Project duration
August 2021 - July 2024

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)


BUW, Neue Presse Coburg, Obermain-Tageblatt

Project description

Goal of the MILAS project is to investigate and evaluate the use of inductive charging systems for electric shuttle bus transport systems, to check and underline their feasibility, to discover and solve obstacles in fleet applications while pointing out use cases and concepts from a systemic view.

The project consists of two stages: in the first stage a prototype system with autonomous driving shuttles and inductive charging systems is tested at the company Valeo in Kronach-Neuses followed by a pilot system in the town of Bad Staffelstein with a test track of about 3 km. To decrease the environmental impact, the electrically powered shuttle busses move CO2 neutral by utilizing energy storage systems and renewable energy sources.

To charge the batteries of the shuttle busses with conductive charging systems is not feasible as the charging process is hard to automatize and the system is exposed to vandalism and harsh weather conditions. Instead, static and dynamic wireless charging systems are tested in the project that can be inserted into the protective road surface. But, these charging systems create stray magnetic fields that can potentially be harmful for humans or lead to electromagnetic compatibility problems in their vicinity. Therefore, the Chair of Electromagnetic Theory of the University of Wuppertal has to

  • simulate the field and temperature distribution of the static and dynamic inductive charging systems,
  • simulate the human exposure in and next to the shuttle bus (see figure for an example exposure situation) with high resolution models for both charging concepts,
  • evaluate potential electromagnetic compatibility problems via simulations of the inductive charging systems,
  • investigate active and passive shielding concepts for the stray fields,
  • check for possible problems of two charging busses next to each other,
  • and test the dielectric strength as well as material aging to ensure and validate a safe system so that this pilot project can be utilized, applied and scaled to fit further rural and urban regions.

to ensure and validate a safe system so that this pilot project can be utilized, applied and scaled to fit further rural and urban regions.


Project-related publications

S. Stroka, M. Tiemann, N. Haussmann, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "MILAS – Impulsgeber für eine nachhaltige Flottenmobilität", 17. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, Germany, 15.05.2025, 01 2025.
M. Tiemann, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Profitability and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Wireless and Conductive Charging Infrastructure for Autonomous Fleets: Insights From Real-World Data", 2025 IEEE Wireless Power Technology Conference and Expo (WPTCE), Rome, Italy, 03. – 06.06.2025, 01 2025.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, F. Kasolis and M. Clemens, "Enhanced Low-Frequency Dosimetry Simulations with the Energy-Variation Maximum Entropy Snapshot Sampling", 25th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2025), Naples, Italy, 22.-26.06.2025, 01 2025.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Towards Real-Time Dosimetry Simulations of Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields for Inductive Charging of Elec-tric Vehicles Using Advanced Surrogate Models" in Problems of Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, 27th International Symposium SIEMA'2024, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 24.-25.10.2024, Nov. 2024.

ISBN: 978-617-05-0506-4

S. Stroka, F. Kasolis, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Efficient Low-Frequency Human Exposure Assessment with the Maximum Entropy Snapshot Sampling", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 60, no. 12, 08 2024.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, M. Tiemann, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Untersuchung der elektromagnetischen Umweltverträglichkeit im MILAS Projekt", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2024 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2024), Miltenberg, Germany, 24.–26.09.2024, 07 2024.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Auf dem Weg zur Echtzeit-Bewertung niederfrequenter Magnetfeldexpositionen mit hybrider Modellordnungsreduktion", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2024 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2024), Miltenberg, Germany, 24.–26.09.2024, 06 2024.
M. Tiemann, A. David, B. Schmuelling, S. Stroka, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Evaluation of Magnetic Field Exposure in Wireless Charging Systems for Autonomous Shuttles: Simulation vs. Real-World Measurements", 2024 Third International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART 2024), Dubai, 22.-24.11.2024, 05 2024.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, F. Kasolis and M. Clemens, "Advanced Numerical High-Fidelity Real-Time Dosimetry Simulations of Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields for Inductive Charging of Electric Vehicles", International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2024), Bruges, Belgium, 02.-05.09.2024, 03 2024.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, M. Tiemann, A. David, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Technische Herausforderungen und Umsetzungen im MILAS-Projekt", 16. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg, Germany, 13.06.2024, 02 2024.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, S. Mazaheri and M. Clemens, "Using Point Clouds for Material Properties Smoothing in Low-Frequency Numerical Dosimetry Simulations", 21st Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2024), Jeju, South Korea, 02.-05.06.2024, Dec. 2023.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Efficient Assessment of High-Resolution Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Exposure Scenarios Using Reduced Order Models", 15th Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering (SCEE 2024), Darmstadt, Germany, 04.03. - 08.03.2024, Nov. 2023.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "GPU-Accelerated Body-Internal Electric Field Exposure Simulation Using Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Sampling Points", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 982-992, Oct. 2023. Emerald Publishing Limited.
M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Thermal Analysis for Foreign Objects in High-Power Wireless Power Transfer Systems", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1185-1196, 08 2023. Emerald Publishing Limited.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka and M. Clemens, "Anwendung neuronaler Netze in der Bestimmung der Exposition gegenüber niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern bei induktiven Ladesystemen", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2023 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2023), Miltenberg, Germany, 26.-28.09.2023, 07 2023.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann and M. Clemens, "Bewertung niederfrequenter Magnetfeldexpositionen unter Einsatz ordnungsreduzierender Modelle", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2023 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2023), Miltenberg, Germany, 26.-28.09.2023, 06 2023.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka, M. Tiemann, A. David, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Vorstellung des MILAS Projektes: Autonome induktiv geladene Elektro-Shuttles im öffentlichen Nahverkehr", 5. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2023, „Next Chapter in Mobility“, Duisburg, Germany, 11.05.2023, 5 2023.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka and M. Clemens, "Reduction of the Numerical Error in High-Resolution Low-Frequency Magnetic-Field Exposure Scenarios of Human Models Utilizing Smoothing Methods", The 13th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2023), Marseilles, France, 29.-31.08.2023, 29.-31.08.2023, 04 2023.
S. Stroka, N. Haussmann, M. Zang, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "GPU-Based Near Real-Time Estimation of the Human Body Penetrating Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Using Free-Space Field Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 1-4, 02 2023. IEEE.
N. Haussmann, S. Stroka and M. Clemens, "Uncertainty Quantification of Human Body Exposure by Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Using a Monte-Carlo Approach on GPUs", 11th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (CEM 2023), Cannes, France, 11.-14.04.2023, Extended abstract, Nov. 2022.
N. Haussmann, R. Mease, M. Zang, S. Stroka, H. Hensel and M. Clemens, "Efficient High-Resolution Electric Field Simulations Inside the Human Body in the Vicinity of Wireless Power Transfer Systems With Varying Models", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 903-913, Nov. 2022. Emerald Publishing Limited.
M. Tiemann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Model Order Reduction for Thermal Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer Systems Considering Radiation", 23rd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2021), Cancun, Mexico, Online Conference, 16.-21.01.2022. Two-page digest. Full paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Conferences., 07 2022.
M. Tiemann, A. David, D. Lekic, N. Haussmann, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Evaluation of a Novel Concrete Core Coil for Wireless Power Transfer in a Lightweight Autonomous Shuttle Bus Scenario", 19th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 22.-26.05.2023, 22.-26.05.2023, Extended abstract, 2022.
N. Haussmann, M. Zang, S. Stroka, R. Mease, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Efficient Assessment of the Human Exposure to Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Based on Free Space Field Measurements", 23rd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2021), Cancun, Mexico (Online conference), , 16.-21.01.2022, Two-page digest. Full paper submitted to Int. J. Num. Mod: ENDF., 2021.