German Research Foundation (DFG) Approves Collaborative Research Centre
German Research Foundation (DFG) Approves Collaborative Research Centre
Security and quality of life in industrialized countries depend on continuous and coordinate performance of a set of infrastructures (energy systems, ICT systems, transportation etc) which can be therefore defined “critical infrastructures” (CI). “STRUCTURES - Strategies for The impRovement of critical infrastrUCTUre Resilience to Electromagnetic attackS” aims at analyzing possible effects of electromagnetic (e.m.) attacks, and in particular of intentional e.m. interference (IEMI), on such CI’s, at assessing their impact for our defense and economic security, at identifying innovative awareness and protection strategies and at providing a picture for the policy makers on the possible consequences of an electromagnetic attack.
The work is organized into four main tasks, namely:
Existing standards such as the “Business Continuity Management” approach (BS25999 standard) and other standardized CIIP (Critical Information Infrastructures Protection) polices will be considered in order to properly identify critical items and to set criteria for risk acceptance.
Already existing results relevant to EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility), LEMP/NEMP/HEMP (Lightning/Nuclear/High altitude ElectroMagnetic Pulse) will be considered as possible starting points leading to find effective solution to IEMI problem.
Topological approach, Risk Analysis and 3D modelling tools will be mainly applied for the analysis to a comprehensive set of reference configurations.