Chair of Electromagnetic Theory


O. Spathmann, V. Hansen, M. Saviz, J. Streckert, M. Zang and M. Clemens, "Assessment of Dielectric Material Properties for Near-Surface Body Tissues in the THz-Frequency Range", URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung, 23.-25.09.2013, Miltenberg, Germany, Abstract, Sep. 2013.
K. Statnikov, R. Al Hadi, M. Clemens, V. Hansen, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert, M. Zang and U. Pfeiffer, "Methods for Determining the Exposure to THz Radiation Utilizing CMOS-Based Detectors", International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), September 2013, Mainz, Germany, Sep. 2013.
O. Spathmann, V. Hansen, M. Saviz, J. Streckert, M. Zang and M. Clemens, "Estimation of Dielectric Material Properties in THz-Frequency Range Using Effective Medium Theory", EMC Europe 2013, Brugge, Belgium, 02.-06.09.2013, vol. Full paper appeared in IEEEXplore, Conf. Proceedings, pp. 154-159, Sep. 2013.
M. Saviz, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert, V. Hansen, M. Clemens and R. Faraji-Dana, "Theoretical Estimations of Safety Thresholds for Terahertz Exposure of Surface Tissues", IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 635 - 640, Sep. 2013.
M. Saviz, L. Mogouon Toko, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert, V. Hansen, M. Clemens and R. Faraji-Dana, "A New Open-Source Toolbox for Estimating the Electrical Properties of Biological Tissues in the Terahertz Frequency band", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, vol. 34, pp. 529 - 538, Jul. 2013.
S. Schöps, D. Schmidthäusler and M. Clemens, "Model Order Reduction for the Uncertainty Quantification of Voltage Insulators with Nonlinear Resistive Electric Field Grading", URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung, 23.-25.09.2013, Miltenberg, Germany. Abstract, Jul. 2013.
O. Spathmann, V. Hansen, M. Saviz, J. Streckert, M. Zang and M. Clemens, "Assessment of Dielectric Material Properties for Near-Surface Tissues in the THz-Frequency Range", Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA)BioEM 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10.-14.06.2013, vol. Abstract Collection, pp. 469-472 (PB-106), Jun. 2013.
M. Zang, V. Hansen, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert and M. Clemens, "Development of Excitation Models for Dosimetry Studies in the THz Range", Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA) BioEM 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, 10.-14.06.2013, vol. Abstract Collection, pp. 476-478 (PB-110), Jun. 2013.
J. Streckert, M. Clemens, V. Hansen, T. Fiedler, O. Spathmann and M. Zang, "Beurteilung der Exposition von Personen in der Nähe von Fahrzeug-Antennen unter Aspekten des Arbeitsschutzes", Electromagnetische Effekte Symposium (EME 2013), Mannheim, Deutschland, 10.-12.06.2013. Abstract, Jun. 2013.
J. Seifert, J. Debus, H. Denndörfer, F. Lehretz, J. Schulte-Fischedick, M. Clemens, H. Ye and M. Bornowski, "Electric Field Grading Using Insulators with Microvaristor Filled Silicon Rubber", 11th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Bologna, Italy, 30.06.-04.07.2013., pp. 226 - 229, Jun. 2013.
D. Schmidthäusler, S. Schöps and M. Clemens, "Reduction of Linear Subdomains for Non-Linear Electro-Quasistatic Field Simulations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1669 - 1672, May 2013.
H. Ye, M. Clemens and J. Seifert, "Electro-Quasistatic Field Simulation for the Layout Optimization of Outdoor Insulation Using Microvaristor Material", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1709 - 1712, May 2013.
C. Cimala, M. Clemens, V. Hansen, O. Spathmann, J. Streckert and T. Timm, "High Resolution Numerical Electromagnetic Dosimetry Simulations Using a Coupled Two-Step MOM /FITD Approach", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1633 - 1636, May 2013.
C. Richter, S. Schöps and M. Clemens, "GPU Acceleration of Finite Difference Schemes Used in Coupled Electromagnetic/Thermal Field Simulations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1649 - 1652, May 2013.
E. Scholz, H. Ye, S. Schöps and M. Clemens, "A Parallel FEM Matrix Assembly for Electro-Quasistatic Problems on GPGPU Systems", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1801 - 1804, May 2013.
J. Schmitz, M. Camp, M. Jung, S. Runke, V. Hansen, J. Streckert and M. Clemens, "Strategies for the Improvement of Critical Infrastructure Resilience to Electromagnetic Attacks - A (not too) Short Introduction", 8th Security Research Conference "Future Security 2013", 17.-19.09.2013, Berlin, Germany., vol. Proceedings, pp. 494-495, Apr. 2013.
S. Runke, V. Hansen, J. Streckert and M. Clemens, "A Coupled Multi-Method Approach for the Numerical Simulation of Intentional Electromagnetic Interference into Critical Infrastructure", International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2013), Torino, Italy, 09.-13.09.2013, vol. Conf. Proceedings, pp. 875 – 879, Mar. 2013. IEEE.

ISBN: 978-1-4673-5707-4

T. Fiedler, J. Streckert, M. Clemens and S. Dickmann, "Whole Body-SAR of Growing Anatomical Rodent Voxel Models Compared with Homogeneous Models and Structures", Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA) (BioEM 2013), Thessaloniki, Greece, 10.-14.06.2013., vol. Abstract Collection, pp. 71-75(PA-53), Mar. 2013.
S. Baumanns, M. Clemens and S. Schöps, "Structural Aspects of Regularized Full Maxwell Electrodynamic Potential Formulations Using FIT", 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2013), Hiroshima, Japan, 20.-24.05.2013, Feb. 2013.
H. Ye and M. Clemens, "Optimization of Corona Ring Design for Composite Insulator Strings Using Adaptive Kriging Metamodeling", 9th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2013), Bruges, Belgium, 23.-25.04.2013. Full paper submitted., Dec. 2012.
E. Scholz, S. Schöps and M. Clemens, "A Simple Robust Jacobian Free Parallel Solver for Non-Linear Electro-Quasistatic Problems", 15th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012), Oita, Japan, 11.-14.11.2012.Book of one-page digests, p. 368. Full paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Magnetics., Nov. 2012.
M. Clemens, S. Schöps, C. Cimala, N. Gödel, S. Runke and D. Schmidthäusler, "Aspects of Coupled Problems in Computational Electromagnetics Formulations", Invited technical article. ICS Newsletter (International Compumag Society)., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 3-12, Nov. 2012.
M. Clemens and S. Schöps, "Coupled Problems in Computational Electromagnetics", Challenge Workshop on Tools for Modelling, Simulation and Optimization (MSO) of Multiphysics Systems, 26.-28.09.2012, Berlin, Germany. Abstract., Sep. 2012.
O. Spathmann, V. Hansen, J. Streckert, Y. Zhou, M. Clemens, K. Grote, M. Klose and A. Lerchl, ""Head Only"-Exposure of Continuously Growing Rats to 900 MHz GSM Signals", International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2012), Sep. 2012. IEEE.
O. Spathmann, M. Clemens, T. Fiedler, V. Hansen, U. Pfeiffer, M. Saviz, K. Statnikov, J. Streckert and M. Zang, "Attempts for Exposure Assessment in the THz-Frequency Range Using Numerical Computations", International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2012), Sep. 2012.