Chair of Electromagnetic Theory


Hendrik Hensel received the COMPEL Best Paper Award at ISEF 2023

Mr. Hendrik Hensel, M.Sc., is the winner of the COMPEL Best Paper Award for a Young Researcher at ISEF 2023 for the presented paper “Comparison of Simulations of the Gas Conduction in HVDC GIL by Application of Nonlinear Conductivity Model and Ion-Drift-Diffusion Model” at the conference “21st International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering”, held at the University of Pavia, Italy, from 12th to 15th September 2023 (ISEF 2023).


Steven Stroka received the Young Scientist Award at Kleinheubacher Tagung 2023

Mr. Steven Stroka, M.Sc., has been honored with the Young Scientist Award at the Kleinheubacher Tagung 2023 in Miltenberg, Germany, in recognition of his notable contribution titled “Bewertung niederfrequenter Magnetfeldexpositionen unter Einsatz ordnungsreduzierender Modelle“ presented during the conference held from September 26th to 28th, 2023.

Dr. Fotios Kasolis was placed second in the SCEE 2020 Young Scientist Award

On the 21st of February 2020, Dr. Fotios Kasolis, from the Chair of Electromagnetic Theory at the University of Wuppertal, was placed second in the SCEE 2020 Young Scientist Award for his novel contributions in reduced basis model reduction methods, and in particular, for his work titled "Graph-Based Local Refinements for the Reduction of Transient Nonlinear Electromagnetic Problems".

Thomas Fiedler was awarded the 2018 Best PhD Thesis of the Year Award by the IEEE Germany Section EMC Society Chapter

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fiedler was awarded the "2018 Best PhD Thesis of the Year Award" by the IEEE Germany Section EMC Society Chapter for his dissertation.

Christoph Jörgens was honored for his master thesis at the 148th annual general meeting of the VDI-Bergisch district association

Award for Mr. Christoph Jörgens, M.Sc., at the 148th annual general meeting of the VDI-Bergischer Bezirksverein for his master thesis "Numerische Simulation von elektrischen Feldverteilungen in Hochspannungsgleichstrom-Übertragungskabeln unter Berücksichtigung von nichtlinearen Effekten durch Temperatur- und Raumladungsverteilungen".

Graduate Award 2017 for Mr. Christoph Jörgens

Graduate Award 2017 for Mr. Christoph Jörgens M.Sc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Media Technology at the University of Wuppertal for his excellent performance in the Master Electrical Engineering course of study.

Christoph Jörgens received the COMPEL Best Paper Award at ISEF 2017

Award for Mr. Christoph Jörgens, M.Sc., at the conference "18th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering" (ISEF 2017, 14.-16.09.2017, Lodz, Poland) for the contribution Christoph Jörgens, Markus Clemens: "Breakdown Voltage in HVDC Insulation Materials Considering Space Charges" with the Best Paper Award for a Young Researcher.

Hanyu Ye was awarded with the Tom R. Burkes Outstanding Graduate Student Award for outstanding contributions to the application of microvaristors to nonlinear electric field grading in high voltage components at the IPMHVC 2014

Award to Ms. Hanyu Ye, M.Sc., at the 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC 2014, June 01-05, 2014, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) for the paper Hanyu Ye, J. M. Seifert, M. Clemens: "Untersuchung der elektrischen Feldabstufung von Buchsen mit mikrovaristorgefüllten Epoxidharzkomponenten" with the Tom R. Burkes Outstanding Graduate Student Award for outstanding contributions to the application of microvaristors to nonlinear electric field grading in high voltage components.

Steffen Schomann was awarded as finalists in the category for the best paper by a young researcher at COMPUMAG 2009

Steffen Schomann was awarded as one of the six finalists in the category for the best paper by a young researcher at 17th Biennial Conference on Computation of Electromagnetic Field (COMPUMAG 2009) held in Florianopolis, Brazil, from November 22nd - 26th, 2009.

Nico Gödel received the award for the best presentation by a young researcher at COMPUMAG 2009

Nico Gödel was awarded for the best presentation by a young researcher at 17th Biennial Conference on Computation of Electromagnetic Field (COMPUMAG 2009) held in Florianopolis, Brazil, from November 22nd - 26th, 2009.