Chair of Electromagnetic Theory

N. Haussmann, M. Zang and B. Schmuelling, "Bestimmung der Exposition des menschlichen Körpers durch niederfrequente Magnetfelder in der Umgebung induktiv geladener Elektrotaxis – Ein Überblick am Beispiel des TALAKO-Projekts", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2020 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2021), Miltenberg, Germany, 28.-30.09.2021, Abstract, 2021.
N. Haussmann, M. Zang, S. Stroka, R. Mease, B. Schmuelling and M. Clemens, "Efficient Assessment of the Human Exposure to Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Based on Free Space Field Measurements", 23rd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG 2021), Cancun, Mexico (Online conference), , 16.-21.01.2022, Two-page digest. Full paper submitted to Int. J. Num. Mod: ENDF., 2021.
N. Haussmann, M. Zang, R. Mease, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Magnetic Dosimetry Simulations of Wireless Power Transfer Systems with High Resolution Voxel Models Utilizing the Co-Simulation Scalar Potential Finite Difference Scheme", The 12th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2021), Online Conference, 06.-08.07.2021, Abstract, 2021.
M. Zang, N. Haussmann, R. Mease, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Magnetic Field Exposure Simulations of Human Bodies close by a Wireless Power Transfer System of an Electrically Powered Taxi", The 12th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2021), Online conference, 06.-08.07.2021, Abstract, 2021.
M. Clemens, M. Zang, N. Haussmann, R. Mease, B. Schmuelling, A. Burkert, A. Popp and M. Tiemann,Personenschutz bei induktivem Laden von Fahrzeugbatterien -- Numerische Simulationsverfahren zur Bestimmung der elektromagnetischen Körperexposition. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021.

ISBN: 978-3-658-32266-3

N. Haussmann, M. Zang, R. Mease, B. Schmuelling, M. Clemens and M. Bolten, "Towards Real-Time Magnetic Dosimetry Simulations for Inductive Charging Systems", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 878-888, 2021. Emerald Publishing Limited.
N. Haussmann, M. Zang, M. Clemens and B. Schmuelling, "Echtzeitnahe numerische Simulation der menschlichen Exposition durch magneto-quasistatische Felder beim induktiven Laden von Fahrzeugen", URSI e.V. Deutschland 2020 Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2020), Miltenberg, Germany, 28.-30.09.2020, One page digest accepted, Sep. 2020.