Chair of Electromagnetic Theory

M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Das Projektseminar "Elektromagnetisches CAD I/II"", Artikel in "Projektveranstaltungen im Studium an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt", Hochschuldidaktische Stelle der TU Darmstadt, Wim Görts, ed., TUD-Schriftenreihe Wissenschaft und Technik, vol. 82, pp. 221-230, 2001.

ISBN: 3-88607-130-8

M. Clemens, S. Drobny, T. Weiland and M. Wilke, "Numerical Algorithms for the Calculation Magneto-Quasistatic Fields Using the Finite Integration Technique", Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, Springer Verlag series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 18, U. van Rienen, M. Günther, D. Hecht (Eds.), pp. 63-70, 2001.

ISBN: 3-540-42173-4

M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Simulation of Magneto-Quasistatic Fields with the Finite Integration Method", Kleinheubacher Berichte, vol. 44, no. 2001, pp. 328-336, 2001.
M. Clemens, E. Gjonaj, P. Pinder and T. Weiland, "Numerical Simulation of Coupled Transient Thermal and Electromagnetic Fields with the Finite Integration Method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1448-1452, Jul. 2000.
M. Clemens, T. Weiland and M. Wilke, "Transient Eddy Current Formulation Including Moving Conductors Using the Finite Integration Method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 804-808, Jul. 2000.
M. Clemens, M. Hilgner, T. Weiland and M. Wilke, "Eddy Current Calculation Including Moving Conductors with the Finite Integration Method", ENUMATH 99 - Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Jyväskylä Finland, 26.-30.07.99, P. Neittanmäki, T. Tiihonen and P. Tarvainen (Eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2000, pp. 206-213, 2000.

ISBN: 981-02-4387-1

M. Clemens, R. Schuhmann and T. Weiland, "Algebraic Properties and Conservation Laws in the Discrete Electromagnetism", Frequenz: Journal of Telecommunications 11-12/99, vol. 53, pp. 218-225, Nov. 1999.
M. Clemens, S. Drobny, H. Krüger, P. Pinder, O. Podebrad, B. Schillinger, B. Trapp, M. Wilke, T. Weiland, U. Becker, M. Bartsch and M. Zhang, "The General Purpose Electromagnetic Simulation Software Package MAFIA 4", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and Its Applications (ICCEA99), Peking, China, Okt. 1999.
M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Transient Eddy-Current Calculation with the FI-Method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 1163-1166, Mai 1999.
M. Clemens, P. Thoma, U. van Rienen and T. Weiland, "A Survey on the Computational Electromagnetic Field Calculation with the FI-Method", Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, vol. 8, no. 3-4, pp. 213-232, 1999.
M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Numerical Algorithms for the FDiTD and FDFD Simulation of Slowly-Varying Electromagnetic Fields", International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Special Issue "Finite Difference Time Domain and Frequency Domain Methods", Invited Paper, vol. 12, no. 1/2, pp. 3-22, 1999.
M. Clemens, S. Drobny and T. Weiland, "Time Integration of Slowly-Varying Electromagnetic Field Problems Using the Finite Integration Technique", Proceedings of the ENUMATH 97, 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, H.G. Bock et al. eds., World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 246-253, 1999.

ISBN: 981-02-3546-1

M. Clemens, U. van Rienen and T. Weiland, "Comparison of Krylov-Type Methods for Complex Linear Systems Applied to High-Voltage Problems", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 3335-3338, Sep. 1998.
U. van Rienen, M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Simulation of Low-Frequency Fields on High-Voltage Insulators with Light Contaminations", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 816-819, Mai 1996.
R. Schuhmann, M. Clemens, P. Thoma and T. Weiland, "Frequency and Time Domain Computations of S-Parameters Using the Finite Integration Technique", Proceedings of "The 12th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics", Monterey, pp. 1295-1302, Mä. 1996.
M. Clemens, R. Schuhmann, U. van Rienen and T. Weiland, "Modern Krylov Subspace Methods in Electromagnetic Field Computation Using the Finite Integration Theory", ACES Journal on Applied Mathematics: Meeting the Challenges Presented by Computational Electromagnetics, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 70-84, Mä. 1996.
U. van Rienen, M. Clemens and T. Weiland, "Computation of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields", ZAMM, vol. S1, no. 76, pp. 567-568, 1996.
T. Weiland, M. Bartsch, U. Becker, M. Bihn, U. Blell, M. Clemens, M. Dehler, M. Dohlus, M. Drevlak, X. Du, R. Ehmann, A. Eufinger, S. Gutschling, P. Hahne, R. Klatt, B. Krietenstein, A. Langstorf, P. Pinder, O. Podebrad, T. Pröpper, U. v. Rienen and et al., "MAFIA Version 4", Proceedings of the Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (CAP), 1996, Williamsburg, Virginia, pp. 65-70, 1996.